binData(): Bin N-D scatter point data. cart2hex(): Convert from cartesian points to hexagon center points. computeBoundaryInformation(): Compute the boundary contours, inward pointing normal vectors, curvature, and centers of curvature. computePotentialParameters(): Solve for the potential parameters that result in the potential depth, potential minimum location, and potential attractive extent given. computeProblemScales(): Compute the scale factors and data transformations for the problem. compute_objectScale(): Compute the maximum distance transform value for each object in a binary mask. createObjectImages(): Create full images with N rows from a pixel list and sets of values. create_test_3D_object(): Create a fake set of 3D data for testing based off of the example nuclei image, testNuclei_mask. decimateData(): Bin 2D spatial data and return a single value for each bin. displayProgress(): Class to help with displaying progress during calculation. evaluatePerformance(): Compute the F1 and fractional distribution of the difference between the true number of nuclei in each clump and the computed number of nuclei in each clump. frequencyGaussianFilter(): Filter data with a Gaussian filter in frequency space. getCurvatureAndCenters(): Compute boundary curvature and centers of curvature. getGridWignerSeitz(): Convert the Wigner-Seitz radius to grid space. getObjectOfInterest(): Return the Object_Of_Interest element of the input arrays. getPdistInds(): Get the indices of the pairs formed by pdist(). get_minimum_uint_class(): Return the class name for the smallest unsigned integer class that will hold the input without overflow. get_overlap_factor(): Compute the expected overlap factor of the sub-objects for each object in the binary mask BW. hex2cart(): Convert from hexagon center points to Cartesian points. hexplot(): Create a hexagonal scatter plot. interp2mex(): Fast 2-D bilinear interpolation is_in_parallel(): Determine if function is being run in parallel. isosurfaceProjectionPlot(): Plot isosurfaces of N-D data (N>2) projected down to 3-D, and plot the 2-D projections of the isosurfaces to the three axis planes. load_truth(): Load truth data about the nuclei center locations. nakeinterp1(): Fast 1D interpolation using a dichotomy search of indices. ndGaussianFilter(): Create an N-D Gaussian filter. publishDocumentation(): Function to create the documentation data used in creating the website. publishExample(): Function to publish an example script to markdown for the website. removePadding(): Remove padding from and N-D matrix. setTheme(): Set a figure theme to light or dark. sizeof(): Get the size in bytes of the input numeric class. visualizeNuclei(): Display 9 random nuclei clumps from the 5 test images and plot the true nuclei centers.