Installation and requirements

Quick start guide


  1. Download the GitHub repository.
  2. Open Matlab on your computer, and change the current folder to the downloaded repository.
  3. Run setup.m. This function will
    • Add the necessary files to your Matlab path.
    • Attempt to compile two C functions that will increase the program speed. If a C compiler is not found on your computer, then the code will still run, but it could be slower.
  4. Start by browsing the examples located in the examples/ folder. These same examples can also be seen here.

Installation Notes

  • The GitHub repository could take a few minutes to download as the repository is ~200 MB. The majority of this space comes from the example data included.
  • setup.m will not permanently add the files to your Matlab path. If you want the files to remain on your Matlab path, the run the command savepath in the Matlab command window after running setup.m.


  • Matlab version R2016b or higher. This is the first version that allows for implicit expansion, which is a feature heavily used in the code.
  • The Image Processing Toolbox.
  • The Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox.
  • The Parallel Computing Toolbox. - This toolbox is optional, but if you have it, then you will be able to run computations in parallel.